The 10 Worst Supermarket Shopping Days

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When should I shop?

The 10 Worst Supermarket Shopping Days

The 10 Worst Supermarket Shopping Days
1) Labor Day weekend
2) Sundays
3) Saturdays
4) Memorial Day weekend
5) Afternoons between 4pm and 7pm
6) Thanksgiving eve
7) The day after a major disaster (tornado, earthquake, flood, etc.)
8) Christmas eve
9) Fourth of July (especially if it falls on a weekend)
10) Day after Thanksgiving



11/30/2008 8:13:19 PM
Molly said:

Not true about the day after Thanksgiving. I went to a strip plaza and every place was packed with people parking illegaly - except the supermarket which looked like only employees were there because there were only a handful of cars in what is usually the only busy parking lot in the strip mall.


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